The PlanPrep Process

Retirement is like sailing across the sea. The financial tides shift constantly, economic storms arise unexpectedly, and changes to your life can occur quickly as well. That's why it's important to have an expert to guide you as you navigate the waters of your retirement journey. Our process is all about helping you make informed financial decisions.

It's important to determine right up front if we're a good fit for each other. It starts with an easy-going conversation. We'll ask questions like:

  • What are your goals, dreams, and wishes?
  • What income and assets do you have available to achieve those goals, dreams, and wishes?
  • What do you like about what you have and what do you want to change?
  • By the end of that first meeting, we'll know if we want to work together, and you'll know what our fee would be for your situation.
  • The next step is for us to do a deep dive behind the scenes into your current resources. We'll test your current situation and look at various options that may be necessary to make your goals, dreams, and wishes become a reality.
  • We'll create reports to show you where you are headed currently compared to where you can go.
  • Then, we get together to review those scenarios with you and the changes you may need to make.
  • Once you're comfortable with the strategies (which may include keeping some or all of what you already have), it's time to put your plan in motion. We'll help you every step of the way, which includes working with other professionals you may have on your team.
  • As time goes by, we can review your progress with you and help you make changes as necessary. Note that a separate fee may apply.

Let's talk about having PlanPrep be your expert guide for the financial aspects of your retirement journey, so you can get busy enjoying life, such as traveling, visiting family, gardening, playing golf, and more!

Ready to navigate your retirement journey with our expert guidance?