About Us

The mission of my family’s iconic interior design business in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, was to help people love their homes. We tailored everything to each clients' unique tastes.

No matter what kind of day our clients may have had at work or out in the community, when they got home, they would happily say to themselves, "Ahh! I'm home!"

My parents had me learn the business from the ground up. I worked with affluent clients from a very young age, took design courses, drew room layouts, and worked with a variety of contractors. That all helped me refine my communication and specification skills, which would later help me tremendously in providing advice as a financial planner.

My dad and I in front of the family business (circa 1988).

My uncle strongly suggested that I buy stock in his company, which I did when I was 18. After I bought the stock, my dad showed me how to look up the price in the paper and had me read the business news each day. Being young, I made money on the stock and sold it WAY too soon, but my dad and I ended up discussing the business news together for many years thereafter. I had become a business news fanatic. That led me to study economics at Columbia University, where I was exposed to some of the top economic minds in the country.

At the age of 29, I decided to pursue an MBA at the University of Connecticut. There I met a woman that I later married. She had a major health issue develop shortly thereafter, so I decided to do something else beyond the family business. That's when I discovered the fast-growing world of financial planning.

I interviewed with several companies, and accepted a position with American Express Financial Advisors. They provided me with some amazing training, and I benefited from working alongside some of the best and brightest people in the industry. That was it. I fell in love with the business.

When I'm not working (which is more like a hobby), you will find me working out at the gym, walking around the neighborhood or beach, and serving at church. I'm an avid college football and basketball fan, and I love many other sports during the playoffs and tournaments! GO UCONN!

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